Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

OK, this is the last entry for the year and probably the last one for the whole Blog. We just packed the van full of Jill's stuff so she can move into her new apartment today. We are heading to visit the Bensons and friends in Grand Manan. That's a great way to cap off a year of events I am grateful for.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

Now this is a day to be grateful for. We had a nice candlelight service at church last night and opened a few presents. Today we slept in and only opened a few of the gifts. We are waiting for Michelle and Eric to come tomorrow or maybe Sunday morning before we open the rest. Doris had a wonderful turkey dinner as usual. Turkey, dressing, jello salad, fiddleheads, corn, cranberries, potatoes and gravy - all topped off with chocolate pie for dessert....yummmm, We watched a bunch of Christmas specials on TV and relaxed the day away. I started loading Windows 7 on Jill's computer. So far so good.
One peculiar thing I forgot about this week was finding a Gold IBM Cross pen that I lost. I always kept it at the office and about 5 years ago it went missing. A couple of nights ago it was laying on the floor by the LazyBoy chair and I have no idea how it got there. It was the only really good souvenir I have from my IBM days, so I'm happy to see it again.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

So here we are at the day before Christmas.It's been quite a year with many significant events and changes in our lives. There was much to be grateful for this year and I had fun documenting various things - almost one a week.
We just got back from a visit to Uncle Lloyd. He was in his usual good humour and as spry as ever. He was really excited that we were able to find a pail of Salt Beef Navels for him. It took a while, looking at every grocery store in Fredericton, but we finally found what he wanted. I tried to give it to him as a Christmas present , but he insisted on paying for it. Doris found a couple of Peg Puzzles for him and a stack of old magazines to go with some Christmas cookies and 7 turnips.
Dad had a bicycle that he got from my grandmother and he road it until he was over 80 years old. When he was in highschool, he drove 20 Km every day to school and back. I had no place to keep it, so Uncle Lloyd said to leave it on the porch in Blissfield. He talked about learning to ride it again at age 87. He always has things to look forward to. I'm grateful he is still going so strong. He really is a great inspiration.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Letter 2009

Doris wrote this, but I added my 2 cents too.
Now that the snow has come it feels a bit like Christmas. The day before it snowed we went to a Christmas tree farm and cut the first tree we came to. How different from the Christmas tree shopping we used to do 35 years ago when we first got married. Back then I insisted on going to every tree lot until we found the most perfect tree.
Things really changed for us this year with Laurie’s retirement from Bell Aliant in February. He is really enjoying his freedom and has never had a dull moment. It has been a very easy adjustment for him. He has spent lots of time doing what he loves best, which is reading. He has been volunteering his time at the church and is involved in the Ham Radio Club and the Astronomy Club. He makes sure he gets some exercise every day and often I go out walking with him.
As for me, I have been organizing retreats and some other events for women at our church. It takes up a fair bit of my time. I am finding that what they say about retirement is true: you are busier after retirement than before. I volunteer at York Manor at least once a week. That is the nursing home my mom lives in. I also have recently begun volunteering for Bridges of Canada, wrapping and bagging Christmas gifts for the children of prisoners. This is short term but intense as Christmas approaches.
Together Laurie and I volunteer one day a week at Green Hill Lake Camp, a Christian camp for kids, which is also used throughout the year for rental groups and retreats . There is much to be done all year, so I work in the office and Laurie usually works on whatever outdoor project needs to be done, sometimes working in the office as well. I have been acting as Camp “pastor” there for a week almost every summer since 1996.
We are not very great at being handymen, but this fall we faced a challenge in that area and won. We had to put back the interlocking patio stones in our walkway and drive way that were ripped out when we had some work done on our garage. It was kind of like doing a jig saw puzzle except it was necessary to make sure the ground underneath was perfectly flat. We tried to do it perfectly and now that it is covered in snow, it IS perfect :-)
Jill is working for the Federal Government at ACOA on a contract basis that has been extended about 5 times already but no permanent contract has been offered as yet. She enjoys working there and has made some more friends. She also writes online course content for a company called Skillsoft in her spare time. She runs, swims and bikes regularly and entered a triathlon this summer.
Michelle is working with small children, something she has always excelled at. She is working in a Preschool setting and seems to really enjoy the children. We don’t see her often but did have a nice time with her in August when we visited her at her home in Dartmouth. She took us to some nice beaches. One beach on the ocean looked and felt like a tropical beach minus the palm trees. It even had warm water. She and I had great time tubing down a lazy river that flowed into the ocean. Eric was in Alaska and LA at the time. He is always traveling the world going to conferences and speaking at them.
We took two trips last winter. In February we drove to Florida with Ruth and John and stayed with Laurie’s two aunts for a couple of weeks. The highlight of that was taking them to the Kennedy Space Center and touching a real moon rock.
In March we went with the Bensons to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Las Vegas has so much to see! We would walk around all day and evening and just take in the sights. The Grand Canyon is awesome but I was scared because I do not like heights especially when the people I am with are leaning over the edges!
We are now looking forward to our 5 week trip to New Zealand, Fiji and Hawaii in March and April 2010. Our niece, who teaches in Indonesia, is planning to join us for a few days in New Zealand.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First big Snow Storm coming

It started this afternoon around 5pm. "Why would I be grateful for that?", you might ask. Well, there must be a pony in this box somewhere. I guess I am grateful that I have a snow blower that still works after 18 years. The lights are flickering, but I am toasty warm in the house, right now. My string of 32 consecutive days of exercise means I am up to 239 days this year. I'm getting to know my new neighbour. Today he dropped by to borrow a drill. We picked out a Christmas tree in about 2 minutes at the Red Robin Tree farm in Keswick Ridge. Only $25 and it looks really great. Gone are the days of fussing and arguing and paying too much for a half dead tree cut down in October! I had breadfast with the guys from work and went to the Christmas breadfast for the whole office and retirees too. I'm still grateful I am retired and can come and go as I please.